anansie coming back.

Noelle’s New Bike

This was a project from my cinematography class I thought I would share:) Starring: Noelle White Directed, Edited, and Cinematography by Sam


Survival of the Sexiest | A Short Film

A hot-tempered college freshman’s dreams of love are ruined when he’s assigned a very peculiar roommate. Directed by: Sam Stewart Writte


PSYCHOPOMP | An Original Short Film by Sam Stewart

After Cliff is murdered by his (ex) girlfriend, he gets trapped in purgatory by a sarcastic soul guide who looks exactly like his killer. To


inner child healing with sean and sam

Cinematography by Sean Yang Sam Stewart Editing by Sam Stewart Music composed by Sam Stewart Voiceover by Sam Stewart


Gnome Man’s Land | An Original Short Film by Sam Stewart

A teenage girl’s life is overtaken by her gnome obsession as she risks it all to purchase an ultra-rare rocking chair gnome. This is a


You Are Meant to Be Here. (A Documentary by Sam Stewart)

LGBTQ+ students at North Atlanta High School discuss the benefits and challenges of expressing their identity at a diverse school.


Ode to Cutlery | Award Winning Short Film | Chapman Application ACCEPTED – Film by Sam Stewart

Forks and spoons who work in an office have a rivalry, but when a spork comes into the office, each group must decide where they stand. A sh


Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

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